Corina Cubici (Romania) - Designer
Bracelet, brass, silver.
Romanian (English below)
In lumea bijuteriei pot imbina elemente stilistice din trecut, art nouveau si sculptura medievala si gotica cu spiritul aparte de a evoca emotiile omului si care se materializeaza in bijuterii pe care omul sa le poarte cu placere. Cu elemente istorice universale si un spirit romanesc al creatiei, sper sa pot contribui la o mostenire pentru viitor, care sa aduca atata fericire si satisfactie celui care imi poarta bijuteriile, egalata doar de satisfactia pe care am avut-o eu cand le-am creat.
In the world of jewelry I can combine stylistic elements from the past, Art Nouveau and medieval and Gothic sculpture with the special way of evoking the emotions of people, which yields pieces that people will wear with pleasure. With universal historical elements and a Romanian spirit of creation I hope I can contribute to a legacy for the future that will bring as much happiness and satisfaction, to the one who wears them, as I felt when making them.
Tiara, copper, bronze, silver.
Hand piece, brass.
Waist piece, brass.
Finger pieces, brass.