Maria Dima (Romania) - Designer
Pendant, silver, tourmaline.
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Romanian (English below)
Sunt un artist care si a descoperit creativitatea dupa 30 de ani. Am lucrat in domeniul IT aproape 10 ani, desi eram mereu atrasa de zona artistica. In timpul unei perioade de terapie prin acupunctura am inceput sa imi explorez latura creativa si spirituala. Totul a inceput cand am vrut sa ofer prietenilor mei cadouri de Craciun facute de mine si am ales sa le fac bratari din bilute din pietre semipretioase. Am devenit fascinata de frumusetea pietrelor si a metalelor si am inceput sa lucrez diverse bratari din pietre. Am primit sustinerea si incurajarea prietenilor si asta mi-a dat curaj sa merg mai departe.
I am an artist who discovered her creativity after 30 years. I used to work in IT for almost 10 years, although I was always attracted to arts. During a period of acupuncture therapy, I began exploring my creative and spiritual sides. I found myself fascinated by the beauty of stones and metals and began to work various bracelets. My friends have always had my back and encouraged me, which gave me the power to move forward.
Pendant, silver, leather.
Ring, silver, blue zirconium.
Pendant & earrings, silver.
Bracelet, silver, leather, deciduous teeth.