Noha Nicolescu (Romania) - Designer
Romanian (English below)
O scurta aparitie a vietii salbatice sau descoperirea unei bijuterii in proces de dezvoltare, poate fi un ragaz trecator sau o iluminare pe viata. Atentia mea a fost dintotdeauna stimulata de aceste intrezariri si descoperiri; ele au devenit sanctuarul si ritmul meu personal. Colectarea formelor naturale si incorporarea lor in creatia mea, reafirma adevaruri care pornesc de la sine, dar care sunt in acelasi timp universale. O anume intimitate este stabilita de ambele acte - colectarea si crearea.
A brief sighting of wildlife or the discovery of a growing jewel can be a transitory respite or a lifelong enrichment. My attention has long been held by these glimpses and discoveries; they have become my source of sanctuary and personal rhythm. Collecting natural forms and incorporating them into my work reaffirms truths that begin with the self, but are at once universal. A certain intimacy is established by both acts - the collecting and the making.