Oana Totoret (Romania) - Designer

Hairpin, silver, brass.

Hairpin, silver, brass.

Romanian (English below)

Am ales acest drum creativ dintr-o pasiune pura de a crea. Imi place sa petrec timp in atelierul meu pentru diferite lucruri, invatand tehnici noi si inventand noi moduri de a face acelasi lucru, dar mult mai usor si mai rapid. Ceea ce ma determina este tendinta de a transpune aceasta admiratie intr-un limbaj vizual, de a ilustra conexiunea cu ceva mai mare, care functioneaza dupa aceleasi principii si respira in acelasi mod.

This creative road I’ve taken started from a pure passion to create. I enjoy spending time in my workshop focusing on different things, learning new techniques and inventing new ways of doing the same thing, but much easier and faster. My inspiration comes from the beauty and simplicity of nature. What drives me is the tendency to translate this admiration into a visual language, to illustrate the connection with something bigger, that operates according to the same principles and breathes in the same way.

Ring, silver, amethyst, brass.

Ring, silver, amethyst, brass.

Hairpin, enamel.

Hairpin, enamel.

Hairpin, enamel.

Hairpin, enamel.