Valentina Cziko (Romania) - Designer
Romanian (English below)
De bijuterie m-am apucat in iarna anului trecut la indemnul unei bune prietene, care stia ca am dexteritati in efectuarea obiectelor de mana. Astfel am urmat cursurile de bijuterie contemporana in cadrul scolii Assamblage, pe care le-am absolvit cu succes. Bijuteriile mele sunt facute la jumatatea anului 2019 si nu au fost expuse inca, asa ca veti avea ocazia sa le vedeti la expozitia #ROJW in premiera.
I’ve started creating jewelry last winter, following the advice of a dear friend, which knew I had good abilities in crafting things with my hands. Therefor, I’ve signed up for contemporary jewelry courses at Assamblage School of Contemporary Jewelry, which I’ve graduated successfully. All my pieces have been created somewhere around mid-way 2019, so they haven’t been exhibited yet, thus you’ll have the chance to see them premiere at #ROJW.