Mihaela Ciocalteu (Romania) - Designer
Romanian (English below)
Fac parte dintr-o generatie in care “asa se face, asa trebuie, asa se cade” erau reguli nescrise. Nu ma regaseam, nu m-am adaptat. Am invatat sa-mi ascult inima si sufletul,s a-mi dezvolt calitativ gandurile .Am invatat ca niciodata nu este prea devreme sau prea tarziu in a-ti dori, in a realiza, atata timp cat iubesti cu ardoare tot ceea ce faci. Ma pot considera o rasfatata a vietii. Este un privilegiu acela de a visa, de a-ti propune teluri si de a ti le indeplini.
I am part of a generation wielded by “this is how it should be”, this is what we are supposed to do”, according to rules passed over by our elders. I did not find myself, I did not adapt, I did not want to cut any corners. I have learned to listen to my heart and soul, to develop my thoughts from a qualitative point of view. I have learned that it is never too late or too early to want to do it, as long as you love whatever you do. I consider myself a spoiled brat of life. It is a privilege to dream, to set goals and to fulfill them.