Diana Culic (Romania)
I am Diana Culic, I am 36 and I am an independent jeweler. I was born in the Republic of Moldova, but I moved to Bucharest 12 years ago. As my main occupation is translation, I felt the need to express my love for beauty through jewelry. In 2018 and 2020 I attended some courses in jewelry at Assamblage and through independent study got other skills necessary in jewelry making. Currently I pursue to continue my studies in stone setting and generally to enrich my skills in this field.
Collection Concept: Mille-Feuille
The romantic and tempting jewelry collection, inspired by the classic French dessert in layers, appeals to all the senses through classic pearls and tiny natural zirconia stones combined with contemporary shapes of the sterling silver and the texture that resemble the sugar powder. It is a tribute to taste in all its variety of meanings and forms.
Bracelet, sterling silver, pearls, zirconia
Earrings, sterling silver, pearls, zirconia
Ring, sterling silver, pearls, zirconia
Ring, sterling silver, pearls, zirconia