FLORA (Ukraine)
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I am the inventor of the FLORA technology and creator of many thousands of jewellery. I have loved plants from my early childhood. At around 6 years old I had already gathered my herbarium and admired the beauty and diversity of the living world. And I always loved minerals and metals. Also since my childhood. I graduated as a botanist and chemist, I have worked in the chemical and biotechnological industry. And 6 years ago I fulfilled my dream - to combine three hobbies of my childhood - plants, minerals and metals into a single new product - FLORA jewelry. Over the years, I have come up with many thousands of pieces of jewelry. I even managed to turn into a metal real air Dandelion! People love the variety of FLORA jewelry, so the business is going good, even despite of corona crisis. My dream is to capture in a precious form as many plants growing on our beautiful planet, as possible, maybe even all of them. I noticed that after getting to know our jewelry, many people begin to look at the world in a different way, learn to respect the living and not to hurt it.
Collection Concept: FLORA
FLORA art jewelry & objects production was established in 2015 on the edge of science, design and art. We introduce a unique technology – there’s a real plant inside of every piece, covered by precious metal (gold or silver). Our mineralised silver technology has no world analogues. Each piece is handcrafted in a single copy. The piece we're most proud of - the silver dandelion.
Pendant, orchid
Ring, thistle
Earrings, phléum
Earrings, cornflower