Mihaela Grama (Romania)
I am addicted to shape, color and texture. I always play with these 3 elements in any field of life, and just like a bored child, I naturally end up learning new techniques and materials. A constant for me, so far, have been plants, flowers and the ordinary fantastic of nature around me.
Collection Concept: Zea mays
Zea mays is the Latin name for corn, one of the most cultivated grains in the world. My collection could be about world hunger, Africa, malnutrition, hungry children, poverty, greed, genetically modified foods and much more. Today, for me, Zea mais is about the extraordinary of the ordinary, about lines, texture, color, tone, shape, and maybe too little about other topics.
What is Zea Mays to you?
Brooch, sterling silver, corn
Brooch, sterling silver, corn
Necklace, sterling silver, corn
Brooch, sterling silver, corn