Diana Tobosaru (Romania)
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I graduated (B.A.) in the scenography section from UNARTE, I worked in the theater “Sica Alexandrescu” in Brasov,then, for 28 years I tried to bring value to advertising.
I attended classes and workshops at the “Assemblage Jewelry School”.
Now I design and manufacture unique jewelry or limited series trying to give them meaning and value through the symbolism of the message they carry.
My collections: From Thought to Fire, The Heart of the Treasure, Persona,Memories from Happiness and The Lost World were part of the collective exhibition organized by “Assemblage National Association” in Bucharest and abroad. Designblok-Prague, Fashion Week, The Romanian Cultural Institute-Lisbon, The National History Museum-Bucharest, EuRoFestCultra 2018-Bozar Bruxelles, the UNO Headquarters in New York, Joya-Barcelona, Legnica Jewerly Festival in Poland and Athens Jewerly Week at Lilas Lalaounis Jewerly Museum
Two capsule collections, “Day Dreaming” and “The Queen’s Dream” inspired by Queen Mary of Romania were awarded and they are exhibited in the Museum shop in the Palace of Cotroceni.
Collection Concept:
We face the darkness, we hide in the shadows before we find the light.
You build walls, you hide behind armor.
The wounds are covered with scars from silver chains with blue glitter.
A new skin to protect you.
But the light always finds a place to enter.
Cracks through which love, joy, compassion penetrate and hope is reborn.
“There is a crack a crack in everything
That’s how the light get in.”
Leonard Cohen “Anthem”
Earrings, silver, enamel
Bracelet/Hair cuff, silver, enamel
Rings, silver, enamel
Bracelet/Hair cuff, silver