Gena Tudor (Romania)



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Jewelries are one of the most essential ways for self-expression and enhancement of our personality. Bearing this in mind, each collection I create starts from a narrative that is carefully integrated into the pieces I present. I adamantly believe in designing and creating unique and one of a kind pieces of jewelry for all the art lovers that seek and understand the importance of expressing one’s identity.

My materials of choice ranges from the conventional such as silver, gold, copper, brass, precious and semi-precious stones, as well as unconventional ones you would never think of pairing, which perfectly blend into the bold and unique jewelries I create.

Collection Concept:

One constant that can be found throughout our history is losing sight by forgetting about the overview and being excessively focused on the details. Cacao, an offering given by Gods, as the Aztecs believed, is the ingredient that metamorphoses into one of the most appreciated food products in the entire world: CHOCOLATE. Chocolate enables the release of endorphins is a reliable source of energy and let’s not forget the amazing taste. However, taking a step back and looking at the traceability of chocolate, one can find more than a few stories that can have the sheer opposite effect that this marvelous ingredient offers us. Starting with the cacao plantations and the people that work on them. Many farmers never tasted chocolate, nor can they afford it, although they are surrounded by cacao beans. Moreover, many of them don’t own or cannot afford machinery that can help them in the harvest, so they do everything by hand. In short, they live at the poverty threshold, if one can say that, with some not even having running water. The idea for the collection Bitter Sweet is the transition from a microscopic view at the particles that form chocolate to a panoramic one that offers us the perspective we should always keep in mind.

So, how about chocolate?

Necklace, sterling silver, pink chocolate, resin, pink sapphire

Sterling silver, pink chocolate, resin, pink sapphire

Sterling silver, pink chocolate, resin, pink sapphire