Annick De Stobbeleir - Plus One Collective
Designer biography:
Jewelery design, d’ Academie Beeld Sint-Niklaas, Belgium
additional workshops from glass fusion to glass blowing in Bruges, Erps-kwerps, Ertvelde and Adegem, Belgium
workshop silver casting, Antwerp
Brussels Jewellery Week, expo
Winner of the best work, Maison De Greef
Afstudeerprojecten d’Academie Beeld Sint-Niklaas
Winner of prijs Legaat Hulstaert
Collection concept:
The ocean has always and still plays a very important role in the art scene. It’s easy to see why. The ocean — both wild and calm, dangerous and beautiful — is a made up of contradictions and mystery. More than that, the ocean has played a role in the history of many cultures, but especially in my life and work. My quest, my interpretation seeks to create a translation that is both intimately personal and vastly universal.
My jewels are not only be dedicated to capturing the heart of sea and the wind playing with the water, but also represent metaphors of love and trauma, among many other things. Unsurprisingly then, my work about the sea takes many shapes and coulours. From a simple contemplation of the sea to a reflection of our own lives. The sea makes me calm. The sea makes me breathe.
Brooche SPLASH - Silver, enamel, glass
Earrings SPLASH - Silver, enamel, glass