Céline Poudroux (France)
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Designer biography:
Imaging, creating wearable sculptures, toying with details, playing with textures or transforming materials is the essence of Celine Poudroux Creation jewelry. Trained as a designer and architect, Céline revisits art, design and architecture applying them to the world of jewelry. In 2020, she creates her own brand Celine Poudroux Creation, where all her jewels are turned into sculptures. Handmade with love, they are unique pieces or limited series.
Collection concept:
I am taking you under the sea, where mosses, seaweeds, anemones and sea urchins mingle to form a sumptuous lush garden. This beauty hides a large and rich biodiversity. All at once animal, vegetable and mineral, corals play an essential role in marine biodiversity. They are at the origin of an exceptional abundance of life just like an oasis, growing for thousands of years. But global warming, overfishing and pollution are threatening this fragile ecosystem.
In presenting my jewels, I want to emphasize the importance of corals and to pay tribute to all this beauty before it disappears. And to make people conscious that what is not in front of us is just as important to respect and to protect.
Celine Poudroux, ring, anemone, 2023, brass, merinoswool, nylon
Celine Poudroux, ring, anemone, 2023, brass, merinoswool, nylon
Celine Poudroux, brooche, corail Cache Cache-back, 2023, brass, merinoswool, rockcrystal
Celine Poudroux, brooche, corailglitters, 2023, brass, merinoswool, sequin, glassbead
Celine Poudroux, brooche, corailglitters, 2023, brass, merinoswool, sequin, glassbead