Francesca Pennesi (Italy)



Website - Instagram

Designer biography:

My name is Francesca, I graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Macerata in Design for fashion and after years of collaborations with stylistic studies, I specialized in Sculpture, specifically metals. Fashion and sculpture have always fascinated me and I found in their fusion my main interest: jewelry! I enrolled at the Accademia Orafa Ambrosiana in Milan and then at the Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School where I studied alternative materials, such as plexiglass, glass, resin and wood. For some years now I have been exhibiting and participating in group shows dedicated to contemporary jewellery and I have opened my own studio where I make tailor-made jewellery and conduct training courses.

Collection concept:


The skin is the house in which beats and secrets are kept and shapes its shape on the  thread of instincts. It is a sacred shell that has memory of everything: of the emotions, few  tremors, of the pains, the signs and the judgments, the trace. The claws of the armed hearts  that destroy and do not repair remain attached to it. But the skin invents a new mantle, light, colorful, transparent where judgmental and  malevolent hands become only pure ornament, transparent and powerless, because she  decided to change. We wear it everyday and every day we should caress the signs,  because basically it is she who chooses our route, hugs and distances. She borrows the  colours of the sun and grass because she has known with them the touch of a caress, and  she is transparent to the appearance because anyone in her can read the story without  knowing her language.

And this jewel is my warning: every abuse remains a trace and memory but coloring,  sculpting, wearing and looking at it, is the greatest abyss in which I look and the darkness,  its most transparent point. A chain is still a chain but if you can untie it, it becomes a necklace.

Assamblage Association