Madalina Spiridon (Romania)



Website - Instagram

Designer biography:

Mădălina Spiridon is from Romania and she is a jewellery artist. Every piece she makes has a special meaning. She is in search of symbols of emotions, gestures, actions through the use of materials and colors that activate a sensorial memory. Her work was exposed during the three editions of Romanian Jewelry Week. She was one of the artist selected to join the "You are here" exhibition of the first edition of the Jewelry Biennial of Lisbon and in October 2022 she exhibited her work on two categories at Milano Jewelry Week. She graduated the University of Art and Design Cluj-Napoca, bachelor and master. Her jewellery journey started in 2019, attending the Assamblage Contemporary Jewelry School. 

Collection concept:


Nobody really knows who is behind the mask. Humor usually is a coping mechanism for traumas, anxieties, insecurities. I consider that people use humor, juggling and sometimes colors to gain the courage for a better self expression. My life experiences have shown that humor usually saves the situation or at least detentions an intense moment. No matter the story behind, a smile, a color, a juggle brings joy and opens one's heart. Once a heart is opened it can uncover a more profound knowledge of someone's true core.

In the end, it's always about love. And love is never lost.

Madalina Spiridon, earings, 2023, sterling silver, pure silver, enamel

Madalina Spiridon, ring, 2023, sterling silver, pure silver, enamel

Madalina Spiridon, bracelet, 2023, sterling silver, pure silver, enamel

Assamblage Association