Olga Komisarova (Ukraine)
Designer biography:
Komisarova Olga was born in 1894 in Vinnitsa, Ukraine, and currently lives in Kyiv. Her first degree is in physics, and the second in landscape design. Contemporary jewelry is the main and favorite way of artistic self-expression for her. She uses enamel as the main material for her work. But also in her work you can find artificial hair, plastic, fur and other materials. She was a participant of exhibitions and residencies on enamel and contemporary jewelry in Italy, Portugal, Lithuania, France, USA and Britain.
Find inspiration in the textures of lichens and stones, in the variety of microorganisms forms, sea animals, structures of seeds, looking for strange lines and shapes in nature.
Collection concept:
Microworlds is one of my favorite topics to work with. We often forget about the existence of microscopic beings. We forget that without them we would not have survived, but we also forget that they can kill us. In this world, every, even the smallest element is important. Each of the living beings provides the balance of the incredibly complex system of this planet.
This time I decided to make a series of tiny bacteria brooches of my own design and earrings in silver. (The series will be supplemented by more works).
Komisarova Olga, brooches, bacteria, 2022-2023, sterling silver, enamel
Komisarova Olga, brooch, studear rings, bacteria, 2022-2023, sterling silver, enamel
Komisarova Olga, brooches, bacteria, 2022-2023, sterling silver, enamel