Amanda Stumpf (USA)



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Designer biography:

Born in 1994 Amanda Stumpf is an American jewelry artist based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

(United States). She graduated from Kent State University in Kent, Ohio in 2016 with a Bachelors of Fine Arts degree in Crafts with a concentration in Jewelry and Metalworking along with a minor in Art History. She continued her education at Alchimia Contemporary Jewelry School in Florence Italy, receiving her Masters of Fine Art in Contemporary Jewelry. In addition to her formal education, Amanda has participated in various artist residency programs.

Amanda has exhibited her work all over the world, including in Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Greece along with cities throughout the United States.

Collection concept:

My work is an exploration of the themes, strength and resilience, inspired by the timeless echoes of ancient architecture and civilization. Traveling all over the world, I have been moved by the architectural wonders, which have stood through the ages, becoming a source of symbolism to convey the narrative of the fortitude of the human spirit. I combine a variety of materials and integrate metalworking with fiber art techniques to express these ideas. My jewelry is more than adornment; it symbolizes the resilience and power within us all, mirroring the enduring spirit of ancient architecture as well as reminding us of the strength inherent in both our history and ourselves.

Amanda Stumpf, bracelet, Meso Masonary, 2024, leather, sterlingsilver, glassbeads, string, 7x2.5in

Amanda Stumpf, necklace, Ashlar Masonry, 2023, coppermesh, copper-glassbeads, leather, string, 16x8in

Amanda Stumpf, necklace, Doric Column, 2022, coppermesh-glassbeads, meerschaum, copper, cotton, 14x2.5in

Amanda Stumpf, necklace, Etruscan Arch, 2022l coppermesh-glassbeads, 22kgoldleaf, wood, leather, cotton, 36x10.5in

Assamblage Association