Anayd Blu (Romania)



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Designer biography:

Ever since I can remember, I've been captivated by costumes and accessories. As a scenographer, transforming abstract ideas into sets or costumes fascinates me, leading to an interest in artisanal jewelry, another creative expression. In creating jewelry, I strive to tell a story, convey a feeling, or evoke an emotion. For me, jewelry is more than a decorative element; it has its own voice and reveals much about the wearer. Using materials like silver, bronze, leather, resin, and semi-precious stones, I always aim for an aesthetic result. Art and beauty are my refuge from everyday life. Wearing beautiful jewelry improves my mood, and I hope it brings beauty and light to others.

Collection concept:

The Dream -

An anchor in tough times, a ray of light on dark days. A bridge between the difficult present and a bright future. It helps us stay confident when reality overwhelms us. In moments of doubt, pain, and uncertainty, let us remember that life is a precious jewel. Every imperfection adds beauty, just as each experience adds depth to life. These pieces of jewelry are an amulet of resilience,"Everything will be okay in the end," they say with each sparkle. Worn on sunny days as gratitude and on tough days as support, they symbolize human resilience and flourishing amidst life's storms.

"Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end." Indian proverb

Anayd Blu, necklace, The Dream, 2024, sterling silver, bronze, goldleaf, 95cm

Anayd Blu, ring, The Dream, 2024, sterling silver, goldleaf, 1x2,5cm

Anayd Blu, earrings, The Dream, 2024, sterling silver, goldleaf, 9x5,5cm

Anayd Blu, ring, The Dream, 2024, sterling silver, goldleaf, 1,5cm

Assamblage Association