Andreea Cucu (Romania)



Instagram - Website

Designer biography:

With a passion for creativity in all its forms, my journey spans from architecture to jewelry design, constantly fueled by curiosity. I am eager to explore, play, research, touch, smell, and immerse myself in any creative pursuit. My hands-on approach is the cornerstone of my work. Embracing the endless possibilities that creativity offers, I am always ready to learn and grow through each new endeavor, driven by a spirit of experimentation.

Collection concept:

Emotional Depths 

If feelings could be portrayed, how would they look? Each piece of jewelry portrays the complexity and depth of our dynamic nature, where emotions grow, blend, cover, and sometimes strangle each other, creating a rich and often contradictory inner landscape. Most of the time, emotions evolve and influence each other, showing how joy turns into sorrow, hope into despair, and back again. Some of them, like rage and passion, explode with energy, breaking through any surface that tries to contain them. Navigating our inner selves requires a willingness to explore our depths, despite the fear of what we might find. Even from the purest love, rays of jealousy, insecurities and doubts can emerge. By envisioning our feelings, I hope we can gain a deeper appreciation for the power and beauty of our inner lives and explore this landscape with greater empathy and understanding.

Andreea Cucu, ring, EmotionalDepths, 2024, polymer, resin, 5x6cm

Andreea Cucu, ring, EmotionalDepths, 2024, polymer, resin, 4x5cm

Andreea Cucu, ring, EmotionalDepths, 2024, polymer, resin, 4x5cm

Andreea Cucu, ring, EmotionalDepths, 2024, polymer, resin, 5x6cm

Assamblage Association