Anhelina Piven - Kreolla Jewelry (Ukraine)



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Designer biography:

Studied in the inter-regional center of jewelry art of Kyiv, and received internship at the jewelery factory Diamond 13. After spending some time continuously repeating same manufacturing process, a decision was made to change field of work to horse groom, something I was always passionate about. Worked with horses until covid pandemic, which rendered such work impossible due to limitations. After loosening of covid restrictions found a new job at DARI jewelry. There I gained new experience and enhanced my jewelery making skills overall. After less than a year, created a personal brand. Participated at Kyiv fairs and markets.

Collection concept:

The collection is based on wildlife, some pieces are carved from wax by hand, others made using objects from nature such as teeth and branches. Inspired by ancient times and stories of mythical creatures, beauty of nature and imagination. Only organic gemstones are used in pieces of jewelry. Featured pieces include earrings, pendants, rings, necklace.

Anhelia Piven, pendant, 2024, sterling silver, bronze

Anhelia Piven, pendant, 2024, sterling silver

Anhelia Piven, pendant, 2024, sterling silver, bronze

Anhelia Piven, pendant, 2024, sterling silver, 40mm

Assamblage Association