Atelierul de Porțelan (Romania)



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Designer biography:

I started my artistic journey when I was 10 years old, passing from drawing to painting, molding and clothes design. After graduating from the Art Academy I worked mainly with clothes and costumes as a scenographer and fashion stylist . After a while I opened my own art gallery and managed it for 10 years. In 2015 I decided to take another challenge so the Porcelain Studio was born. It’s not easy work, the process is complicated, but with a lot of perseverance and courage, new things can be done. I think I choose to work with porcelain, fascinated by its final delicacy and preciousness, so hard to obtain, from the first molding to the final burn. I'm waiting for you in our Studio to witness the porcelain objects creation.

Collection concept:

Geometry of the Heart

One of the most recognized and endeared concept symbols in the world is the heart. From its iconic element to the anatomic silhouette, the heart is omnipresent in the fashion and beauty world. The Geometry of heart collection is a juxtaposition of the symbolic element, warm, round and organic with the cold, straight forward geometric interpretation, that is perfected by the volumetric 3D treatment of the object. The colors are vibrant,  fulfilling the shapes and keeping the contemporary tone, with a dash of real gold for a precious effect.

Assamblage Association