Irina Moise - Pinkmoss (Romania)



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Designer biography:

It all started with a mad passion for design, beautiful colors, crystals and textures. In 2014 I decided to launch the brand PINKMOSS and since then it has been the center of my world. The themes which most inspire me are nature and textures. I am in love with the plasticity and the organic shapes found in nature. I believe in the power of beauty and boldness. I love contrasts, and the energy that it’s created when two opposites merge. I believe that beauty is harmony and I would love to be able to bring it into people’s lives.  All pieces are carefully designed by hand with a remarkable attention to details: most items have hidden "treasures" on the back in the form of engraved initials, love symbols or spiritual elements. I imagine the women wearing my jewelry as being powerful and brave, but also imaginative, sensitive and playful.

Collection concept:

"Echoes of the heart" speaks about the multitude of a woman's feelings and the complexity of them. Each ring represents a feeling, a mood or state of mind.

Assamblage Association