Iro Kaskani - Precious Collective


Iro Kaskani


Designer biography:


1994 MA in Architecture, Università degli studi di Firenze, Florence Italy

1990 professional Course in Jewelry Design and manufacturing in Florence, Scuola professionale

dalla Regione Toscana., Florence, Italy

Professional Positions:

2006-2013 Project Instructor - Lecturer, "Aigaia School of Art and Design", Nicosia, Cyprus

Recent Participations:

2022 Revelations 22– Biennale Internationale Metiers d’Art et Creation – Banquet Chypre

2021 Precious Collective Online Jewelry Week

2021 First International Meeting of Contemporary Jewellery in Simancas, Spain – Jury Award

2020 & 2021 Selected artist for Gioielli in Fermento, Torre Fornello, Italy

2020 Athens Jewelry Week

2020 Joya Barcelona Art Jewellery & Objects

Collection concept:

I like to play with this theme every now and then: little bits of things and how they attract one another, how they form connections, how they gather and hold together, how they are arranged in a regular or random way, how they pile up and eventually form connections that lead to a whole or a part of a whole.

Iro Kaskani_brooch_Break free_2023_silver_porcelain powder_glass

Iro Kaskani_brooch_Packed together_2023_silver_porcelain powder_acrylic colour_plastic cord

Iro Kaskani_brooch_When I grow up 23-2023

Iro Kaskani_necklace_Ring not_2021_silver_honey comb porcelain

Assamblage Association