Michael Berger (Germany)



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Designer biography:

Michael Berger lives and works in Düsseldorf. He began his training in 1987, worked as an assistant to Prof. Friedrich Becker in the 1990s and has been running his own workshop since 1999. Like his mentor, he has dedicated his work to kinetics.

Collection concept:

Kinetics - defined in physics as the dynamics of bodies that are accelerated by forces - is the driving force that makes Berger's pieces so fascinating. It creates the opportunity to interact with the pieces and awakens the instinct to play through a tiny wonderland of physics.

About: „Flower Power“ series

This group of work started 2018 and is a further development of my kinetic jewelry, in which I experiment with dichroic glass.

The momentum, provided by the wearer through his own movements impulses the rotation of the glass panels, which effectively set the scene for light refraction, reflection and the color change effect.

A double interplay arises: between the lattice structure and the reflective glass surfaces on the one hand and the piece and the viewer on the other.

About: Goethe series

These kinetic rings belong to a series of Goethe related pieces made for annual exhibitions of a Düsseldorf based jeweller group called düsselGOLD - founded in 2007.

For many years the Goethe-Museum Düsseldorf is hosting this exhibition of contemporary jewellery from the group of around 20 makers.

The group shows work from their collections and at least one piece especially made for this event to the – annually changing - Goethe related theme.

Michael Berger, kinetic-brooch, KAS FP-02s V1_2022_hr01

Assamblage Association