Nianze Wu (China)




Designer biography:

Born and raised in China, Nianze Wu obtained her Bachelor degree in Arts and Crafts at Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts and completed her master study at BCU. As an independent designer and educator, she is always exploring the possibilities of jewellery as a symbol of emotion and the relationship between jewellery and identity.

Collection concept:

We always seem to be redirecting our negative emotions onto those closest to us and take them for granted. Especially in familial relationships, where the quality of communication is often directly proportional to the effective functioning of the family. More often than not, parents’ expectations of their children are expressed in an almost authoritative manner, their suppressed love imposed onto the children thus becomes a burden for them, but they think it’s justifiable because ‘it’s for your own good’.  Under the veil of love lies the untold stories and unspoken feelings. My work serves the purpose of preserving those as well as expressing my most intimate thoughts, fears and hopes. It is an exploration and demonstration of familial relationships, and I hope that by expressing my own, I can also evoke the viewer’s emotions.

Nianze Wu, display

Nianze Wu

Nianze Wu

NianzeWu, display

Assamblage Association