Afrodita Blasius (Romania) - Designer

Earrings, leather, stainless steel.

Earrings, leather, stainless steel.

Romanian (English below)

A pornit dintr-o joaca, impreuna cu o prietena, si a devenit un hobby mai serios. Mi-am adus aminte de o pasiune din adolescenta – pictatul, si am decoperit ca se imbina destul de bine cu pielea. Asa ca am inceput cu cateva bratari, apoi colier, pana am ajuns la o sumedenie de modele create.

It all began as a game, along with a friend, and it soon became a serious hobby. It reminded me of a passion I had in my teenage years - painting, and I’ve discovered it combines rather well with leather. So I started crafting some bracelets, than a necklace, until, all of a sudden, I had quite a few pieces created.

Necklace, leather, stainless steel.

Necklace, leather, stainless steel.

Bracelet, leather, stainless steel.

Bracelet, leather, stainless steel.

Pendant, leather, stainless steel.

Pendant, leather, stainless steel.

Pendant, leather, stainless steel.

Pendant, leather, stainless steel.