Razvan Popa (Romania) - Designer

Ring, silver, copper.

Ring, silver, copper.

Romanian (English below)

Razvan Popa imbina, prin modalitati noi, materiale, care la prima vedere sunt dificil de imbinat, indeosebi ceramica si metalul. Creatiile sale, inspirate din culturi stravechi si apoi modernizate, sunt abordate cu tehnici clasice, fie ca discutam de bijuterii, ceramica sau metal.

Razvan Popa combines in a new way materials that at first glance are difficult to combine, especially ceramic with metal. His works, inspired by old cultures, brought to modernity, are approached with classical techniques, be it jewelry, ceramics or metal.

Pendant, ceramic, brass, wire.

Pendant, ceramic, brass, wire.

Ring, silver, copper, rutile.

Ring, silver, copper, rutile.

Pendant, ceramic, silver.

Pendant, ceramic, silver.

Ring, silver, rutile, amethyst.

Ring, silver, rutile, amethyst.