Gabriel Popa (Romania) - Designer

Ring, silver, copper, resin.

Ring, silver, copper, resin.

Romanian (English below)

Primul meu contact cu bijuteria a fost atunci cand colegul de camera a adus la camin doi patenti, un arzator, lipitura de argint si o sarma de alama. Captivat de spectacolul focului, de temperaturile inalte, de fuziunea metalelor incandescente si de noile forme rezultate, am creat atunci primul inel. Am adaugat apoi rotite de ceas, bucati de sticla si de lemn si alte materiale accesibile si am realizat cateva piese noi. Curios din fire si cu rabdare de otel, lumea bijuteriei m-a captivat imediat.

My first contact with jewelry was when my roommate brought to the dorm two pliers, a burner, silver lining and a brass wire. Captivated by the spectacle of fire, the high temperatures, the fusion of incandescent metal and the new shapes that emerged from the process, I than forged my first ring. Later I added watch wheels, shards of glass, pieces of wood and other readily accessible materials and crafted a few new pieces. Curious by nature and with nerves of steel, the jewelry world bewitched me straight away.

Ring, silver, rhodium, plastic.

Ring, silver, rhodium, plastic.

Silver, plastic.

Silver, plastic.

Silver, plastic, glass.

Silver, plastic, glass.

Ring, silver, rhodium, plastic.

Ring, silver, rhodium, plastic.