Contemporia (Romania) - Jewelry Brand
Necklace, silver and labradorite.
Romanian (English below)
Contemporia este un brand de bijuterie creat din pasiune si dragoste pentru arta si mestesug de doi tineri designeri din Bucuresti: Ioana Streza si Alex Burlacu, in 2014.
Bijuteriile Contemporia sunt create pentru a fi extensii ale personalitatii celui sau celei care alege sa le poarte, nu doar elemente ce completeaza tinuta vestimentara. Sunt dedicate persoanelor deschise, lipsite de prejudecati, care indragesc arta si privesc bijuteria ca pe un obiect in care creatorul a investit, in primul rand, suflet.
Contemporia is a jewelry brand created out of passion and love for art and craft by two young designers from Bucharest: Ioana Streza and Alex Burlacu, in 2014.
Contemploria jewels are created as extensions for the personality of the one who chooses to wear them, not just elements that complement the outfit. They are dedicated to open-minded people, who love art and regard jewelry as an object in which the creator invested first and foremost his soul.
Bracelet, silver, pigment.
Necklace, white gold, diamond, sapphire.
Ring, white gold, tourmaline baguette.
Ring, silver.