Luiza Teodorescu (Romania) - Designer
Romanian (English below)
Viziunea initiala a fiecarei bijuterii este instinctiva si viscerala, o exprimare organica a perceptiei mele asupra lumii. Insa, design-ul final este curat si arhitectural, influentat de anii petrecuti studiind arhitectura si inclinatia mea spre minimalism, extragerea chintesentei lucrurilor. Pun mare pret pe concept si incerc sa spun o poveste cu piesele mele dar, de asemenea, sa le permit sa creeze o poveste pentru purtator.
The initial vision of each jewelry piece is instinctive and visceral, an organic expression of my perception of the world. Yet, the final design is sleek and architectural, influenced by my years of architecture study and my inclination towards minimalism, extracting the quintessence of things. I place great value on concept and try to tell a story with my pieces but also to allow for them to create a story for the wearer.