Cho Ying Ng (China/UK) - Sheffield Hallam University MFA
Cho Ying NG is a young contemporary jewellery artist from China. For her, jewellery is a language of expression, which she uses to explore her observations of the world. She specialises in creating art with different materials to generate ideas and feelings, building her work into new narrative imagery and continuing to pursue the relationship between man and nature.
Collection Concept: Struggle in Warning
"Establishing a warning symbol relationship through metaphorical dialogue and confrontation between jewelry and the ecological environment" is the main goal of this project. Due to pollution and greed, marine species have been deprived of their lives by humans, and the safety net of the ocean has reached a critical point, ready to collapse at any time, unable to fight. The objects and traces in daily life are petrified, and the pale things breathe and die. The work does not create a harmonious object. I choose to use a specific "jewelry method" to warn, solve or explore the idea of an upcoming ecosystem collapse. The notion of struggling with warning permeates the five senses of the audience.
I deconstructed the image of the deep-sea polluted area into an uninhabited and inaccessible space, invisible to humans, but full of human traces. The influence of human activities becomes part of the natural landscape.
Ring, brass, plastic mesh
Ring, brass, plastic mesh
Ring, brass, plastic mesh
Brass, plastic mesh